
Welcome to the shareholder portal of 7N A/S

Log in with MitID
Please note that companies can only log in with username and password.
Log in with username and password
Welcome to 7N A/S´s shareholder portal
As a shareholder, you have access to a wide range of investor information. You can view your share portfolio, read shareholder newsletters from 7N A/S´s management, see your dividend specification and register for the annual general meeting.
Log on to the shareholder portal with your username and password. If you have a Danish MitID you can also use this.
Electronic communication
7N A/S only communicates electronically with its shareholders. Therefore, it is important that you keep the shareholder portal updated with a valid email address.
To receive the annual dividend, please keep the registered bank account updated.
Need help?
Any questions regarding support for the shareholder portal should be sent to info@computershare.dk .