
Welcome to the shareholder portal of Dataproces Group A/S

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Shareholder portal of Dataproces Group A/S
As a shareholder you can access a wide range of investor information via the portal. View your shareholding, register your email address to receive electronic investor information, request admission card for the AGM, appoint a proxy etc.
Dataproces Group A/S sends notices of general meetings via e-mail. It is therefore important that you sign up for Dataproces Group A/S email service on the shareholder portal by registering your email address if you wish to receive notices of general meetings. You must log in to sign up.
Need support?
The shareholder portal is maintained by registrar Computershare A/S. If you need support, please contact Computershare on email info@computershare.dk.
If you cannot log in to the portal, it may be because your depot is not registered by name. To have your account registered, please contact your bank. The name listing usually takes 24 hours.