Welcome to H+H International A/S`s Shareholder Portal As a shareholder you can access information via the shareholder portal regarding your shareholding, register your email address to receive invitations to general meetings as well as request admission cards for the general meetings and submit a postal vote or appoint a proxy.
You can log on to the shareholder portal by using MitID or with a username and password.
Electronic investor communications: H+H International A/S sends out notices to general meetings and at request also admission cards via email. It is therefore important that you register your email on the shareholder portal.
Need support?
The shareholder Portal is maintained by Computershare A/S. If you need support, you are welcome to contact Computershare on e-mail: info@computershare.dk
If you want to order a login for H+H International A/S shareholder portal, just click on "New user? Click here to order login details", on the left side.