
Welcome to GN Store Nord A/S' Shareholder Portal

Log in with MitID
Please note that companies can only log in with username and password.
Log in with username and password
Welcome to the Shareholder Portal of GN Store Nord A/S
As a shareholder you can access investor information via the portal, e.g. view your shareholding, register your email address, select the investor information you wish to receive, register for the general meeting and submit a proxy or postal vote.

You can log in to GN Store Nord A/S' Shareholder Portal using MitID or with a username (securities account number) and password.

Need support?
If you need support, please contact Computershare A/S on info@computershare.dk or telephone +45 4546 0997 on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (CET).