
Welcome to the shareholder portal of Danfoss A/S

Log in with MitID
Please note that companies can only log in with username and password.
Log in with username and password
Welcome to the shareholder portal for Danfoss A/S
As shareholder you can get access to several information via the portal - as an example you can see number of shares held or register for participating in the Annual General Meeting.
Shareholder - Login
Please enter your MitID or username and password to gain access to your information.
If you do not have a login, or if you have forgotten your login information, please click here to order a password: Forgot password/Request login.
Long Term Incentive Program no longer in this portal
Danfoss has transferred the Long Term Incentives programs details to the participant’s “My Employee File” in SuccessFactors.
There you can get access to your agreement, program payouts and other details.
If you don’t have access to Danfoss internal systems, please send your question to long.term.incentive@danfoss.com.
The portal is developed by Computershare A/S. If you need support, please contact Computershare A/S by e-mail: info@computershare.dk.