Log in with MitID
Please note that companies can only log in with username and password.
Log in with username and password
Welcome to the Shareholder Portal of P/F Føroya Banki
As a shareholder you can use P/F Føroya Banki’s Shareholder Portal to access information on your holding, request your admission card for the AGM, appoint a proxy, receive investor information via email, etc.
Log in
Investors from Denmark may use MitID to access the Shareholder Portal, while other investors need a password to log in. If you have not received a password already, please click on the link "Click here to receive new user details" to request access to the shareholder portal.
Electronic investor information
The Shareholder Portal offers shareholders the possibility of receiving electronic investor information on P/F Føroya Banki such as notices to the general meetings, annual reports and company announcements via email. If you wish to receive such information you need to register your email address under Settings once you have accessed the portal.
The Shareholder Portal is developed by Computershare A/S. If you need support, please contact Computershare on info@computershare.dk.